Givy permets aux entreprises de soutenir des actions concrètes & positives avec leurs salariés, clients et partenaires de façon simple et collaborative grâce au micro-don. Démarrez en 2min grâce à notre plateforme plug & play et nos nombreuses associations partenaires.
S'engager auprès de causes sociales et environnementales avec son entreprise tout en impliquant ses parties prenantes offre de nombreuses externalités positives. Et si vous tentiez le coup ?
of engaged employees for good say they adhere to the company's values (vs 58% for non-engaged)
of engaged employees for good outperform (vs 62% of non-engaged employees)
of engaged employees for good say they are proud to work for their company (vs 66% for non-engaged)
of engaged employees for good say they adhere to the company's values (vs 58% for non-engaged)
Démarrez votre campagne de donations en quelques clics ! Définissez un budget, sélectionnez la mécanique souhaitée (votes, carte cadeaux, plugin, etc.), lancez votre campagne et soutenez de super actions positives environnementales ou sociales.
Depending of your CSR goals, define the monthly amount per employee or stakeholder you want to give for positive actions. We offer multiple payment options to suit your needs. 100% of donations goes to non-profits. All the eligible tax-reductions are automatically integrated for a seamless experience.
Select between 2 - 8 positive actions you want to support with your company among our vetted catalog or onboards your own nonprofits. Audit your team wishes thanks to Givy to pre-define the deed actions you want to support. The budget will be splitted on each employee's or stakeholder's vote to support the selected causes.
Start in seconds by sending your donation campaigns by Email, Slack, Teams, or with a dedicated support page.Incorporate your brand guidelines, customize your campaigns, define the frequency & set the level of data privacy to meet your own specific needs.